


  Open the curtains, see the dust flying over the sky, a grain of dust toplay the windows "snapped, pop" ring, white garbage charges are full of days,like to swallow the whole world, the sky becomes dark, without any vitality...

  Where the workers are endlessly cutting down the trees, and the cars areconstantly discharging the exhaust gas.

  Do we have to deal with the environment in which we live No, to protect theenvironment, should start from the self, from the little things around tostart!

  But now many people are not aware of their own wrong behavior.

  For example: when you go out do not know readily turn off the lights;absorption, water too much, put the music when the sound is too large; oftenwith a one-time things; destruction of trees ... ... savings, is the traditionalChinese virtues, we should save water, Saving with plastic bags; do not use foampaper to do the lunch box; do not have disposable chopsticks, disposable spoonand so on. To protect the environment, is everyone should do things, we shouldplant trees, do not destroy the trees; less use of plastic bags, try to replacethe plastic bags of environmental protection bags; refused to noise pollution;do not readily throw garbage; do not spit; Do not trample the lawn; do notcasually pick flowers and so on.

  Mankind! Hurry up! Imagine that if there is no trees, then it will bringdebris flow, drought, floods and other natural disasters, dust will occupy thesky, many people will be displaced; is to think, if the continuous discharge ofexhaust gas, the hole will expand the ozone layer, UV Will burn the skin ofmankind, not only sun drying the trees on the mountain, but also the birds donot have a home, pests without natural enemies, they will eat the farmer'scrops, humans do not have food will perish; Imagine, if always Litter, then ourcity will become a garbage heap, our life will not be so comfortable; Imagine,if not save with plastic bags, then the sky will fly a lot of white garbage, ourcity, What kind of scene will become

  I want to call everyone to love the environment and protect the homes wherewe live!

