2008年5月3日星期一 读报时间〔№1921〕
1、共同社:日本每天约300人未履行入境后隔离承诺,甚至有人不知所踪 2、英国?卫报》:学术期刊?自然气候变化 》公开的一份报告称:过去十年巴西亚马孙地区二氧化碳释放量超过吸收量
5、香港保安局局长李家超:“港独〞分子仍死心不息 ,防备自我激化人士突变“孤狼〞 6、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦达成全面停火协议
9、爱立信颁布数据显示:爱立信已经在全球斩获136个5G商用合同,设备普及42个国家 10、美国国家航空航天局〔NASA〕的小型火星直升机“机智〞号将预先为“毅力〞号火星车进行侦察,协助它寻找以往的微生物生命迹象
12、墨尔本大学教授彼得·多尔蒂、斯科特·穆勒研究团队:新研究揭示了压力大易生病的原因:在心理压力加大的情况下,神经系统发出的信号会抑制免疫细胞运动,从而影响免疫系统抵御疾病的能力 早安IV8D
Monday, May 3, 2008 Reading time (№ 1921)
1. Kyodo: about 300 people in Japan fail to fulfill their post entry quarantine commitments every day, and even some people don't know where to go
2. Guardian: carbon dioxide emissions in Amazon, Brazil, have exceeded absorption in the past decade, according to a report published by the academic journal natural climate change
3. Russia's top leadership discussed the blockade and counter measures of the West against Russian media: Moscow is preparing to further restrict pan western media (Western media and pro western media) to reduce their impact on the Russian public and safeguard the digital ownership of the country in the information space
4. Anhui Provincial Department of human resources and social affairs responded to the \"ranking of the lowest wage standard in Anhui Province is the last\": it will be investigated and demonstrated
5. Hong Kong Security Bureau Director Li Jiachao: \"Hong Kong Independence\" members still die and keep away from the mutation of \"lone wolf\" by self-motivated people 6. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan reached a comprehensive ceasefire agreement
7. The Safety Committee Office of the State Council randomly finds out the safety problems of a Shanghai Enterprise: 29 safety production problems have been inspected on site, including 4
major hidden dangers
8. Since the outbreak of the outbreak, 165 journalists have died of new crown virus. The reporter pointed out that they failed to give priority to the new crown vaccine and could not be guaranteed safety when they reported ahead
9. Ericsson has obtained 136 5g commercial contracts worldwide, with equipment in 42 countries, Ericsson released data
10. NASA's small Mars helicopter, wit, will pre-examine the willpower Rover to help it find signs of past microbial life
11. Data set after the hearing of JD logistics disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange: the annual revenue of 2022 is 73.4 billion, and the proportion of external customers' income has increased
12. Peter dorty, Professor of the University of Melbourne, Scott Muller research team: the new study reveals the causes of stress becoming ill: in the event of increased psychological stress, signals from the nervous system inhibit the movement of immune cells, which affect the immune system's ability to resist disease Good morning, iv8d