专利名称:Frequency synthesizer
发明人:Shouhei Kousai,Hiroyuki Kobayashi申请号:US11304594申请日:20051216公开号:US07317363B2公开日:20080108
摘要:There is provided a phase locked loop circuit which receives a reference signalhaving a reference frequency and a first signal having a first frequency, compares phasesof the reference signal and first signal, applies a control voltage based on a phasecomparison result to an input terminal of a voltage controlled oscillator to generate a
second signal having an oscillation frequency and output the second signal from anoutput terminal, and supplies the second signal to a divider to divide the frequency of thesecond signal and output the first signal; and a controller which generates and supplies acontrol signal to the voltage controlled oscillator, wherein the voltage controlledoscillator has an arrangement in which a coil and variable capacitance are connected inparallel between the input terminal and output terminal, and one of a plurality ofcapacitances is selectively connected between the input terminal and output terminal bya switch in parallel with the variable capacitance, and ON/OFF of the switch is controlledby the control signal.
申请人:Shouhei Kousai,Hiroyuki Kobayashi
地址:Kawasaki JP,Kawasaki JP
代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, P.C.