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2024-12-20 来源:化拓教育网
有一个经典的PPT展示台词是More is different, less is more。意谓当你积累足够多,你才会有不同的灵感诞生;你展示越精炼你让别人记住记住得越多。在形成决策的过程中,「少即是多」也是重要原则 (网络图片)


It wasn’t that Van Riper hated all rational analysis. It’s that he thought it was inappropriate in the midst of battle, where the uncertainties of war and the pressures of time made it impossible to compare options carefully and calmly.

2000年的时候,国防部的高官找到退休的Paul Van Riper里佩尔,请他担任一场千年挑战演习(Millennium Challenge)的红军总指挥,作为波斯湾美军政权叛军,来模拟对抗蓝军,就是美军及其同盟军。




When we talk about analytic versus intuitive decision making, neither is good or bad. What is bad is if you use either of them in an inappropriate circumstance.



Words & Phrases


To begin to be perceived or understood

It had never dawned on me as a young lieutenant that we would do PT in the bush. But we did.

Realization of the danger soon dawned on us

get somebody off your back

(slang) to rid yourself of someone who is annoying you

The danger in calling is that they’ll tell you anything to get you off their backs, and if you act on that and take it at face value, you could make a mistake

I was willing to do almost anything to get her off my back.

take something at face value 

to accept that something is exactly what it appears to be

The danger in calling is that they’ll tell you anything to get you off their backs, and if you act on that and take it at face value, you could make a mistake

You have to understand that you cannot take gossip at its face value.


richly luxurious and expensive.

He wasn’t back at Dartmouth or over in one of the plush private hospitals on Chicago’s north side, where money wasn’t an issue.

on a shoestring

Fig. with a very small amount of money.

He was running the Department of Medicine on a shoestring.

We lived on a shoestring for years before I got a good-paying job.

turn back the clock (roll back the clock)

to make things the same as they were at an earlier time

I cannot vote for someone who promises to turn back the clock to better days because that's impossible.
