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2024-08-21 来源:化拓教育网


  1. Blueberries

  1. 蓝莓

  Plentiful in taste and filled with antioxidants, blueberries are a great treat. You can throw them in the blender to make a smoothie, sprinkle them on top of pancakes, or grab a handful and snack on them. The antioxidants in blueberries help protect against cancer, heart disease and age-related illnesses.


  While not usually cheap, you can save money by buying them at a discount when they are not as fresh. Then just freeze them and take them out any time you are ready for a treat.


  2. Black Beans

  2. 黑豆

  If you want plenty of protein all while not spending too much money, consider getting black beans. You can put them in burritos or even make black bean soup or patties. With plenty of fiber, black beans are great for digestive health. Try buying dried beans as they taste better and are much cheaper than canned beans.


  3. Bison Meat

  3. 野牛肉

  Eating bison is slowly catching on, and for good reason. Not only is it delicious, bison meat also has more omega-3s than grain-fed animals. Cooking it is a cinch, and all you need to prepare some bison steaks is salt and a little olive oil. Easy peasy.


  4. Walnuts

  4. 核桃

  Much cheaper than almonds and cashews, walnuts don't get enough credit. They are great on top of salads, and they even are tasty on their own. Eating walnuts few times a week helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and they make a great, healthy yet inexpensive and convenient snack.


  5. Oats

  5. 燕麦

  If you eat breakfast at a restaurant in the morning, you probably aren't eating healthy. Instead, invest in oats, as they help in the fight against cholesterol. Whether you buy instant or steel-cut oats, you will be doing yourself a lot of good. Throw on a little honey or blueberries for extra flavor! Not only do you have a low-cost breakfast, you have a very healthy one at that.


  6. Broccoli

  6. 西兰花

  Sitting down and scarfing down some broccoli doesn't sound appetizing. To give it some flavor, cook it in a stir fry and let it will soak up all the flavors of the meal. Broccoli is inexpensive, so it's great if you are on a budget.







