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netapp volume 扩容,空间不足,状态error_ex

2024-12-16 来源:化拓教育网


  1. 创建一个1G大小的卷:
    cinder create --name wangyue01 --volume-type netapp_volume_type 1
  2. 扩容到100G:
    cinder extend wangyue01 100
  3. 查看卷状态变成 error_extending
  4. 检查cinder-volume.log日志:
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager     return f(*args, **kwargs)
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager   File "/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_cmode.py", line 507, in clone_lun
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager     self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_create, True)
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager   File "/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/api.py", line 227, in invoke_successfully
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager     raise NaApiError(code, msg)
2017-07-28 15:13:07.410 87 ERROR cinder.volume.manager NaApiError: NetApp API failed. Reason - 17161:Clone operation failed to start: Partial 'File restore or LUN clone' operations are not supported on secondary compression enabled volumes.


在netapp命令行界面,可用指令lun show -instance xxxx检查lun的最大扩展限制

NetApp2650::lun> lun show -instance /vol/vol_09052017_154346_88/volume-bad235e0-6e2c-47ce-973e-9ecde458a32f

              Vserver Name: bm_test_svm
                  LUN Path: /vol/vol_09052017_154346_88/volume-bad235e0-6e2c-47ce-973e-9ecde458a32f
               Volume Name: vol_09052017_154346_88
                Qtree Name: ""
                  LUN Name: volume-bad235e0-6e2c-47ce-973e-9ecde458a32f
                  LUN Size: 1GB
                   OS Type: linux
         Space Reservation: enabled
             Serial Number: 808ta$Jb4Oc3
       Serial Number (Hex): 3830387461244a62344f6333
Space Reservations Honored: false
          Space Allocation: disabled
                     State: online
                  LUN UUID: c0bfbbde-ff3d-4ced-a0b0-130cb09b6c12
                    Mapped: unmapped
                Block Size: 512
          Device Legacy ID: -
          Device Binary ID: -
            Device Text ID: -
                 Read Only: false
     Fenced Due to Restore: false
                 Used Size: 0
       Maximum Resize Size: 64.00GB
             Creation Time: 7/28/2017 15:52:41
                     Class: regular
      Node Hosting the LUN: NetApp2650-01
          QoS Policy Group: -
       Caching Policy Name: -
                     Clone: false
  Clone Autodelete Enabled: false
       Inconsistent Import: false

可以看到 Maximum Resize Size: 64.00GB ,最大才64GB,难怪我们扩容到100G会有限制。

lun size Maximum Resize Size
1GB-10GB 64GB
11GB 128GB
20GB 256GB
30GB 320GB
40GB 448GB

另外,测试发现,只有创建LUN的时候选择为此 LUN 选择一个现有的卷或 qtree的时候才有最大扩容限制,如果选用为此 LUN 选择一个现有的卷或 qtree来创建,则没有限制。cinder调用netapp api创建lun,用的是为此 LUN 选择一个现有的卷或 qtree


如果卷状态变成 error_extending,如何恢复可用?

cinder reset-state 142b3c02-2127-4ab8-b692-d52a0c2bbb70 --state available
