会议闭幕词 篇25
Dear friends and colleges
First of all I would like to thank Mrs. Make and the organizing committee or having appointed me to serve as the chair of this conference.
We are now very close to the end of this conference. I believe that our conference is a great success. It went smoothly as scheduled. In these two days the conference has covered so many important and complex problems in the flied of global environmental change both theoretical and practical. All the presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. Now with great joy and reluctant mind to part we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a successful close.
It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of global environmental change to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on global environmental change.
As the chair of the conference I would like to express my thanks again.
Thank you for coming to the 1st international conference of global environmental change.
Thank you to everybody who had contributed to the conference with reports and introductions.
And last but not least thank you to Mrs. Make for the overall organizing of the conference.
And last my friends see you next year in Nanjing and have a safe trip home thank you all.
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