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lose face的意思是什么


lose face的意思是:丢脸。

lose face的意思是:丢脸。lose face的网络解释是 lose face什么意思。lose face的例句是They don't want a war, but they don't want to lose face.他们不想要战争,但他们也不想丢脸面。There was constant social pressure not to lose face.保持不丢面子的社会压力无时不在, 无处不在。Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.杰夫因他的朋友不肯勤奋工作而丢了面子。

一、参考翻译点此查看lose face的详细内容

  • 丢脸,丢面子
  • 丢面子


1. lose face什么意思

1. 丢脸:大概因为世人不论种族都总还有脸皮吧,丢脸 (loseface) 爱面子(face-saving) 脸皮厚(thick-faced) 等等应该是不难理解和体会的. 说不定哪天 Webster's 都要把这 thick-face 收录讷.

2. 丢面子:a matter offace 面子攸关的事情 |loseface 丢面子 | 例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losingface.

3. 失面子:31.be satisfied with 对......满足 | 32.loseface 失面子 | 33.by means of以......,借着......用;以

4. 栽面:不光彩,丢面子:眼珠子:比喻最珍爱的人或最宝贵的东西. The apple of one's eye | Z 坐地炮:性情蛮横而惯常谩骂打架的中年妇女. Virago | 栽面:不光彩,丢面子.Loseface


They don't want a war, but they don't want to lose face.


There was constant social pressure not to lose face.

保持不丢面子的社会压力无时不在, 无处不在。

Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.


lose face的相关临近词

Losemloselose their hairlose their woollose our tonguelose your voicelose my spiritslose control oflose our temperlose the use of

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