造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The farmer's friend was famous for growing wonderful pear trees.(这位农夫的朋友以种植美丽的梨树而闻名。)
2、The pear trees are blossoming out early this year.(今年梨树开得早。)
3、He sent them to go and look at a pear tree that was far away in turn.(他派他们轮流去看一棵很远的梨树。)
4、This same thing kept happening and happening, and I couldn't get the pear.(同样的事情一再发生,我就是拿不到那个梨。)
5、Scoop out the rotten part of the pear.(把梨烂的地方挖掉。)
6、Just toss a cup of berries—strawberries, blueberries, raspberries—and a sliced (but not peeled) apple, peach, or pear into your blender.(把一杯浆果——草莓、蓝莓、树莓——和一片切片(但不去皮)的苹果、桃子、或梨放入你的搅拌机。)
7、She bit into a ripe juicy pear.(她咬了一口熟透了的多汁的梨。)
8、Pinocchio ate one pear in a twinkling and started to throw the core away, but Geppetto held his arm.(皮诺乔一眨眼就吃了一个梨,正要把梨核扔掉,杰佩托却抓住他的胳膊。)
9、pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks.(梨树被嫁接到榅桲的根茎上。)
10、The path went on through an orchard of peach, pear, plum, greengage, nectarine and other trees, all laden with ripening fruit.(小径继续穿过一片果园,桃树、梨树、李树、青梅、油桃和其他果树,全都缀满了正在成熟的果实。)
11、This pear tastes a bit sour.(这梨带点酸味。)
12、There are apple trees and pear trees.(苹果树和梨树。)
13、A lemon or a pear, Tom?(汤姆,要柠檬还是要梨?)
14、When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it.(肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。)
15、At least I have a pear.(至少我还有一个梨。)
16、Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.(多米尼克,队伍里最爱耍酷的家伙,拿起一个很小的梨子,把梨子顶在鼻子上玩找平衡的杂耍,在我们回山洞的路上捣腾个没完。)
17、Juice blends contain various fruits like grape, apple and pear.(混合果汁含有各种水果,如葡萄、苹果和梨。)
18、The weaver bird builds a nest that looks like a basket, the nest shaped like a pear with a hole in the middle.(织巢鸟筑了一个像篮子一样的巢,巢的形状像一个梨,中间有一个洞。)
19、She took a pear and bit into it.(她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。)
20、The ancient fecal material, or coprolite, was littered with seared prickly pear seeds and flecked with small bones from fish, birds, and rodents.(这块古代排泄物或粪化石,同烧焦的多刺梨种子散落在一起,点缀着来自鱼、鸟、啮齿目动物的小块骨头。)
21、In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees.(花园树木中患溃疡病最多的是苹果树和梨树。)
22、There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.(有苹果树、桔子树和梨树。)
23、In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standard for models and fashion images there rely more on pear pressure for enforcement.(在丹麦、美国和其他一些国家,它正试图为模特和时尚形象设定自愿标准,这些国家更多地依靠梨的压力来执行。)
24、Pineapple, pear, apple and orange, a lot of sweet smell, all hid in the small rain!(梨、菠萝、苹果和橘子,好多好多香甜的气味,都躲在小雨滴里呢!)
25、Here's a pear for you. Catch!(给你一个梨,接着!)
26、There are lots of pear trees near the house.(屋子近旁种着许多梨树。)
27、Every time I made a move to get it some passing eye detected my purpose, and of course I straightened up then, and looked indifferent and pretended that I hadn't been thinking about the pear at all.(每当我想要把梨拿走的时候,总有一些过路的眼睛看出了我的意图,于是我当然就直起了腰,摆出一副无所谓的样子,假装根本没有想过梨的事。)
28、i want an apple pie and a pear pancake.(我要一个苹果派和一个梨煎饼。)
29、He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers.(他看着她利索地削了个梨并切成几块,整整齐齐,手指干干净净。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。