造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Protesters assailed the proposed fare increase.(抗议者们抨击了提价的提议。)
2、Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.(持械抢劫和诱拐案件已在全国都有所上升。)
3、cases of breathing difficulties increase in lockstep with air pollution.(呼吸困难的病例随空气污染的加剧而增加。)
4、With a decline in starfish predators, the starfish population can increase.(随着海星捕食者的减少,海星的数量会增加。)
5、We should increase input in agriculture, develop advanced technologies, curb market speculation, increase food assistance and intensify cooperation in food.(我们应该加大农业投入,发展先进技术,抑制市场投机,增加粮食援助并加强粮食合作。)
6、Coincident with the increase in women working outside the home is the increase in divorce rates.(在外工作的妇女人数增加的同时,离婚率也在增加。)
7、increase the amount of time you spend exercising by walking between 15 and 20 minutes.(步行15到20分钟来增加你用于运动的时间。)
8、Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.(长期服用某些药物可能会增加受感染的几率。)
9、At speeds above 50 mph, serious injuries dramatically increase.(时速超过50英里时,重伤机率急剧上升。)
10、Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields.(来自海外的竞争促使农民变得专业化,并提高了产量。)
11、Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.(通常当供需失调时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。)
12、The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our prices.(去年材料成本大幅度提高,因此我们被迫加价。)
13、There's been a sharp increase in Indian's balance of payment deficit.(印度的国际收支赤字急剧增加。)
14、Officials predict that this increase is sufficient to ensure that the incidence of delays due to crowding does not increase.(官员们预测,这一增长足以确保因拥挤而造成的延误不会增加。)
15、Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.(污水中的营养物的确会加快海藻的生长速度。)
16、She experienced an increase in generalized aches and pains.(她感受到了一种逐渐加剧的全身性疼痛。)
17、Short-term contracts increase staff turnover.(短期合同会增加员工的流动率。)
18、The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.(工资成本的增加远非更高的生产率所能抵消的。)
19、If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices.(如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。)
20、Worn rugs increase the danger of tripping.(用旧的地毯增加了绊跌的危险。)
21、Under the new plan, customers would pay $45 bimonthly, instead of $18 a month – a substantial increase.(根据新方案,顾客将每两个月支付$45,而不是每个月$18——一个相当大的增长。)
22、As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.(随着新矿投产,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅度增长。)
23、The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.(增加所得税的建议令选民十分不满。)
24、One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer.(一项调查显示乳腺癌的发病率已是原来的三倍。)
25、In consequence, retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increase substantially.(因此,ArocaCity的零售额必然会大幅增长。)
26、There are plans afoot to increase taxation.(正在拟订增税方案。)
27、Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer.(一些人担心电源线的电磁场可能增加患癌症的风险。)
28、There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.(有许多提高世界较贫困地区农业效能的方法。)
29、The population continues to increase.(人口持续增长。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。