造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【no sooner than造句】内容,供您参考。
1、For a big party, unless you know the person well, come no sooner than the starting time.(如果是派对,除非你和主人很熟悉,不要比规定时间到的早。)
2、No sooner had I walked into the room than I found that I had left my wallet in the shop.(我一走进房间就发现我把钱包忘在商店里了。)
3、No sooner did his car touch the boulevard heading home than Ace flicked on the radio.(车子刚开上通向家的大街,埃斯便啪的一声打开收音机。)
4、No sooner had Laertes fallen to the floor than the queen fell from her chair, crying, "I have been poisoned!"(莱尔提斯被刺倒在地上,皇后同时从椅子上跌倒在地,大叫说:“我中毒了!”)
5、No sooner had he reached the grapevine than--crack!(他刚走到葡萄藤边,啪!)
6、No sooner had I got off the bus than I realized my wallet was stolen.(我刚下公共汽车,就意识到钱包被偷了。)
7、No sooner said than done.(说到做到。)
8、No sooner had the wagon stopped than the little fat man turned to Lamp-Wick.(马车刚一停下,小个子胖子就转向蜡烛芯。)
9、The flow has reduced, partly because the Turks are co-operating. But no sooner has one gap tightened than another is reopening on the Mediterranean.(非法入境人流有所削减,部分是因为土耳其方的合作,但是一旦一个缺口被收紧地中海上的另一个缺口就会重开。)
10、But no sooner did I have that ambitious thought than I abandoned it in favor of the song in my head.(但是我一有这个野心勃勃的想法就放弃它了,取而代之的是我头脑中的那首歌。)
11、No sooner had she fallen asleep than she heard a knock at the door.(她刚睡着就听到了敲门声。)
12、No sooner had he seen Heidi, than he smiled, opening his round eyes as wide as possible.(他刚看到小海蒂,就笑了,圆圆的眼睛睁得更大了。)
13、This is the second ceasefire in the past couple of weeks but appears to have disintegrated no sooner than it was announced.(这是在过去的两周中的第二次停火,但是刚刚宣布就已经瓦解。)
14、I proceeded to remove Linton's cap and mantle, and placed him on a chair by the table; but he was no sooner seated than he began to cry afresh.(我就把林惇的帽子和斗篷都脱去,把他安置在桌旁一把椅子上,可是他刚坐定就又哭起来。)
15、No sooner did Peter remember it than he heard the ticking.(彼得刚想起来,就听到了滴答声。)
16、No sooner had she said it than she burst into tears.(她刚一说完,泪水便夺眶而出。)
17、no sooner than a service is made available, the users of those services start needing changes.(提供服务后不久,这些服务的用户就开始需要进行一些相应的更改。)
18、No sooner was the mouth finished than it began to laugh and poke fun at him.(嘴巴还没做完,它就开始笑了起来,还取笑他。)
19、No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.(他一抵达罗马就被绑架了。)
20、No sooner had we sat down at the table than the phone rang.(我们刚在桌子旁坐下,电话铃就响了。)
21、Mr Fellows is a keen supporter of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club's campaign to reintroduce the sport to the Olympics (which could yet happen, though no sooner than 2016).(弗洛茨先生是皇家古典高尔夫俱乐部提议将这项运动纳入奥运会(最快不会早于2016年)的热忱支持者。)
22、they were no sooner in than they heard the door close with a sharp bang.(他们刚一进去,就听到门砰的一声关上了。)
23、No sooner had it touched his tongue than he heard a strange whispering of little voices outside his window.(它刚一碰到他的舌头,他就听到他的窗外有奇怪的低声细语。)
24、No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door.(我刚坐下就有人大声敲门。)
25、NO SOONER had philanthropy become fashionable than the credit crunch shrivelled fortunes and the donations they sustain.(慈善活动刚刚成为一种时尚,信贷危机缩减了他们的财富和他们所给予的捐赠。)
26、No sooner has she recovered than she takes up with a young lawyer with whom she has weekly trysts in a hotel room.(不久她就恢复过来并开始每周在酒店房间里与一个年轻律师私会。)
27、It was a very wonderful trunk; no sooner did any one press on the lock than the trunk could fly.(这是一只很滑稽的箱子。一个人只须把它的锁按一下,这箱子就可以飞起来。)
28、No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.(莫言一上台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。