造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The zoom of the powerful engine is one of most melodious sounds to some people.(大马力发动机的轰鸣声对于某些人而言是世界上最悦耳的声音之一。)
2、Snow on a Christmas tree, quiet down, the distant melodious bell, open you my heart, let love wine filled with earth.(圣诞树上的雪花,悄然无声地飘落,远处悠扬的钟声,开启着你我的心扉,让爱酒满人间。)
3、She spoke in a quietly melodious voice.(她说话轻声细语,甜美悦耳。)
4、melodious bell, mean a brand-new starting point.(悠扬的钟声,意味着一个崭新的起点。)
5、Broken stars fall into the heart of sea; melodious songs fly in the heart of mine.(碎星沉落在海的中心,悠扬的歌曲在心中飞扬。)
6、The church bells, precipitated the happiness all the melodies, melodious.(教堂的钟声,沉淀了幸福所有的旋律,悠扬的传开。)
7、Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.(张嘴唱着他们的强健而和谐的歌。)
8、You have so much sympathy and such a melodious voice.(你这么富有同情心,又有着这么悦耳的嗓音。)
9、The song is melodious, the lyrics expressed the people praise the sentiment to ancient and the beautiful Aegean Sea.(歌曲悠扬,歌词抒发了人们对古老而美丽的爱琴海的赞美之情。)
10、melodious music escapes out the door.(优美的音乐从门缝中流泻出来。)
11、I suddenly the sound of melodious sound.(我跑着跑着,忽然有悠扬的琴声传来。)
12、In the break out of the melodious Washeng, first displayed in front is a golden carpet, oh, that's rape opened.(在此起彼伏的悠扬蛙声中,首先展现在眼前的是一片金黄的地毯,哦,那是油菜花开了。)
13、Striking at it produces clear and melodious sounds.(敲击它就会发出清脆悦耳的声音来。)
14、In the dream, who the jade flute melodious song endless, who?(梦里,谁的玉笛悱恻缠绵,谁的歌声悠扬婉转?)
15、They would think the flute musician plays his melodious music all in one breath.(还以为吹笛子的人是一口气把这婉转、悠扬的笛声吹出来的呢。)
16、The music by that composer is always so melodious.(那作曲家创作的曲子总是十分动听。)
17、Lily: Listen! What a melodious tune!(莉莉:听!多好听的曲子!)
18、I enjoy with something of sadness remembering that this melodious silence is but the prelude of that deeper stillness that waits to enfold us all.(我怀着某种悲伤的心情回忆着,悠扬的寂静不过是那种更深沉的寂静的序幕,笼罩着我们所有人。)
19、It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term "melodious drama" being shortened eventually to "melodrama" because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to say unrealistic.(它是富有优美声调的一段戏剧,源自古希腊剧院。“声调优美的戏剧”这个表达最终被简化成了“情节剧”,因为歌剧往往是音乐性的,而且有戏剧情节的,甚至是超现实的。)
20、Every inch of space filled with a romantic affair, Pianfei Splendor Musical melodious.(每一寸空间都弥漫浪漫情愫,翩飞蝶舞琴韵悠扬。)
21、youth is a song melodious and rhythmic, meaningful and profound.(青春如歌,悠扬而富有韵律,广阔而不失深邃。)
22、There is a harp making its melodious harmonious sounds, and then you take an ax to the harp, bang bang bang, chop chop chop, or a hammer whatever.(有一架竖琴发出悦耳和谐的声音,然后你拿起一把斧子或一把锤子什么的,梆梆邦,敲敲敲。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。