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3、其他一些进化基因组学研究课题,如动物毒素基因的起源进化、新性染色体的进化、新外显子的进化等。 1、黑腹果蝇近缘物种新基因的筛选和分析
与芝加哥大学的龙漫远教授实验室合作,计划利用目前可以获得的全部约6000个黑腹果蝇 (Drosophila melanogaster)的cDNA(果蝇全部基因约为13600个),用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术对黑腹果蝇及其8个近缘物种进行筛选。筛到候选基因后,参照研究司芬克斯基因的思路,采用Southern杂交, 基因文库筛选,RACE, RT-PCR,及基因组DNA PCR等技术,对新基因的结构、功能、起源和分子演化模式进行分析,总结和推断新基因产生的最一般规律。
建立了一个独特的、研究哺乳动物性染色体起源和进化的模型。 发展出了一套研究新基因起源和进化的体系,通过系统搜寻,已鉴别到了数十个年轻基因,包括最近发表的猴王(monkey king)基因和迄今发现的第一个年轻的RNA基因——sphinx(司芬克斯)基因。在命名为 “猴王基因”的研究中,第一次阐明了基因*是如何实现的,该基因家族也告诉我们基因的*序列可以在很短的时间内产生。sphinx的发现揭开了基因组中众多非蛋白编码RNA基因(ncRNA)起源发生研究的第一页。对sphinx及其所在果蝇4号染色体的深入研究推翻了遗传学界近百年的一个错误认识,即该染色体无交换重组。使相关教科书有必要作相应修改。已经分别在《Science》、《Nature Genetics》、《PNAS》、《Nature》、《Nature Review Genetics》、《Genetics》、《Mol Bio Evol》、《Nature Biotechnology》、《Genome Research》、《Plant Cell》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Trends in Genetics》、《Genome Biology》、《Molecular Biology and Evolution》、《中国科学》、《科学通报》等一系列重要学术杂志上发表多篇论文。
Wang,W. et al.,2005 Origin and Evolution of New Exons in Rodents. Genome Res. ( in press ) .
彭立新,郑洪坤,李昕,杨爽,陈宏,王文2005 两个新外显子在锌指蛋白基因 zfp39 中的起源和进化,科学通报( 在印刷)。
Lee , W. H., Li , Y., Lai , R. , Li, S., Zhang , Y., Wan g, W. 2005 Variety of Antimicrobial Peptides in the Bombina maxima Toad and Evidence of their Rapid Diversification . Euro. J. Immunol. 35: 1220-1229.
Yu, J., Wang, J., Lin, W., Li, S., Li, H., … Wang, W. , et al. 2005 The genome of Oryza sativa: A history of Duplications. PLoS Biol. , 3(2): e38.
Wang, W., as one of the authors in the Silkworm Genome Sequencing Consortium. 2005 A draft sequence for the genome of the domesticated silkworm ( Bombyx mori )。 Science 306: 1937-1940.
李昕,杨爽,彭立新,陈宏,王文2004 新基因的起源与进化。科学通报,49:1219-1225.
Wang, W., Yu, H., Long, M. 2004 Duplication-degeneration as a mechanism of gene fission and the origin of Drosophila new genes. Nature Genetics , 36 : 523-527 .
Wang , W ., Thornton , K., Emerson, J. J., Long , M. 2004 Nucleotide variation and recombination along the fourth chromosome in Drosophila simulans. Genetics, 166: 1783-1794 .
Long, M., Betran, E., Kevin, T., Wang, W . 2003 Origin of new genes: Glimpses from the young and old. Nature Review Genetics, 4: 856-875 .
Wang, W. , Brunet, F. G., Nevo, E., Long, M. 2002 Origin of Sphinx , a young chimeric RNA gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:4448-4453.
Betran, E., Wang, W. , Jin, L., Long, M. 2002 Evolution of the phosphoglycerate mutase processed gene in human and chimpanzee revealing the origin of a new primate gene. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 654-663.
Wang, W ., Thornton , K., Berry , A., and Long, M. 2002 Nucleotide variation along the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster . Science 295: 134-137.
Wang, W. , Zhang, J., Alvarez, C., Llopart A., and Long M. 2000. The origin of the jingwei gene and the complex molar structure of its parental gene, yellow emperor , in D. melanogaster . Mol Biol. Evol . 17: 1294-1301.
Wang, W. and Lan, H. 2000 Rapid and parallel chromosomal number rections in muntjac deer inferred from mitochondrial DNA phylogeny. Mol. Biol. Evol. 17: 1326-1333.
Wyckoff , G., Wang, W. , and Wu, C.-I. 2000 Rapid evolution of male reproctive genes in the descent of man. Nature , 403: 304-309.
Yu, H., Wang, W. (same contribution as the 1st author) , Fang, S., Zhang, Y-P., Lin, F.-J., and Geng, Z.-C. (1999)。 Phylogeny and evolution of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup based on mitochondrial ND4 and ND 4L gene sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol . 13: 556-565.
Long, M., Wang, W. , and Zhang, J. 1999 Origin of new genes and source for N-terminal domain of the chimerical gene, jingwei, in Drosophila . Gene , 238: 135-142.
Wang, W , Forstner, M. R. J., Zhang, Y.-P., Liu, Z.-M., Wei, Y., Hu, H.-G., Xie, Y.-X., Wu, D.-H., and Melnick, D. J. 1997 A phylogeny of Chinese leaf monkeys using mitochondrial ND3-ND4 gene sequences. Int. J. Primotol . , 18: 305-320.
Wang, W. , B. Su, H. Lan, R.-Q. Liu, and Y.-P. Zhang. 1996 Phylogenetic relationships among six species of Macaca inferred from ribosomal DNA variations. Chinese J. Genet . , 23: 247-254.
Wang, W. , Su, B., Lan., H., Zhang, Y. P., Lin , S. Y., Liu, A. H., Liu, R. Q., Ji, W. Z, Hu. H. G., Xie, Y. X., and Wu, D. H. 1995 Phylogenetic relationships among two golden monkey species and three leaf monkey species within Colobinae inferred from ribosomal DNA restriction site variation. Folia Primatol . , 65: 138-143.
Wang, W., Lan, H., Su, B., and Shi, L. M 1995 Random amplified DNA polymorphism in four minorities of Yunnan Province . Chinese Science Bulletin , 40:158-163.
Wang, W. , Liu A. H., Lin, S. Y., Lan, H., Su, B., Xie, D. W., and Shi L. M. 1994 Multiple genotypes of mitochondrial DNA within a horse population from a small region in Yunnan province of China . Biochemical Genetics , 32: 371-378.
Wang, W. , Lin, F. Y. and Shi , L. M. 1994 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans . I. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans . Science in China (series B) , 37:1329-1340.
Wang, W. , Lin, F. Y. and Shi , L. M. 1994 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans . II. Genetic differentiation among different geographic populations. Chinese J. Genet . , 21: 147158.