发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:29
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 21:26
英文名称: Prince
生 日: 19/4/14
出 生 地: 台中
血 型: O型
身 高: 177cm
体 重: 55kg
鞋子尺寸: 9.5
星 座: 白羊座
生 肖: 蛇
兴 趣: 篮球.上网.看杂志
专 长: 跆拳道.田径.演戏.读书.创作.唱歌
优 点: 要求完美..积极态度
缺 点: 急性子..情绪化
家族成员: 父母 弟(CHOC 7的毛弟,原名邱翊橙)
幸运数字: 8
绰号小名: 修正液
觉得自己是什么样的一个人: 追求完美
觉得自己最有魅力/好看的部位: 眼睛
最崇拜的人: 金城武许玮伦
最喜欢的演员: 金城武
最喜欢的歌手: 周杰伦
喜欢的食物: 樱桃..西瓜
讨厌的食物: 苦瓜..茄子
最近热衷的事物: 模范棒棒堂
最喜欢的卡通( 动漫)人物:海绵宝宝、史迪奇
理想的异性类型: 个性 主见气质
未来的梦想: 成功的艺人
自我介绍: 嗨~大家好我是Prince王子
王子 - 《对不起》
2008 姐姐来了(小短剧) 主角
黑糖群侠传2007 爱情来了(小短剧) 配角
2008 黑糖玛奇朵 饰 王子 (全13集)
2008 恶作剧2吻 饰 阿诺(20集版,客串18、19集)
2008 黑糖群侠传 饰 令狐聪主角
2008《六楼后座2家属谢礼》饰大明星 (6棒客串电影)
Channel [V]《我爱黑涩会》(助教)
Channel [V]《模范棒棒堂》(第一,三届棒棒堂底迪)
Channel [V]《娱乐NP3》(代班)
Channel [V]《VJ普普风》
Channel [V]《流行in House》
王子归来Channel [V]《LOLLIPOP哪里怕》(主持)
TVBS-G 《娱乐新闻》(代班一周)
Channel [V]《2009新春节目:我爱黑涩棒棒堂》
深圳录制《天下娱乐通》( 2008/03/22—2008/03/27)
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 21:26
概述内容: 吴映洁概述
基本信息栏: 基本信息栏
中文名: 吴映洁
外文名: Even
别名: 鬼鬼
国籍: 中国
民族: 汉
出生日期: 19年8月11日
血型: B型
星座: 狮子座
职业: 歌手、演员、节目主持人
毕业院校: 台北庄敬高职
语言:国语 日语 英语 台语
最喜欢的音乐类型: 搞怪,恐怖、快节奏的歌曲
圈中好友:炎亚纶,徐宛铃,蔡玓彤,黄鸿升, 范玮琪,陈建州,蔡旻佑,蔡宜臻,柯有纶,黑girl,超克7,棒棒堂等
词语,古代对天子或王的儿子的称谓;艺名王子,Lollipop棒棒堂成员,贵族般优雅气质,深获女孩们的青睐!头脑聪颖,学校成绩优良,是个外表俊秀、谦卑有礼,骨子里又很有主见的男孩;世界文学名著《小王子》【法】圣埃克苏佩里创作。是一本儿童名著,类似寓言,以简单的词汇给孩童以深刻的寓意。以王子命名还有,专辑《王子》,人名《王子》,优秀主持人《王子》,歌手《王子》,歌曲《王子》。 棒棒堂六子中最有贵族气质、年纪最小的成员「王子」
中文名字: 邱胜翊
英文名称: Prince
绰号小名: 修正液、王子面
百度ID: PP邱王子
生 日: 19/4/14
出 生 地: 省-台北市
血 型: O型
身 高: 177cm
体 重: 55kg
鞋子尺寸: 9.5
星 座: 白羊座
【邱胜翊】生 肖: 蛇
兴 趣: 篮球、上网、看杂志
专 长: 跆拳道、田径、演戏、读书、创作、唱歌
优 点:要求完美,积极态度
缺 点: 急性子,情绪化
家族成员: 父母、弟(CHOC 7/超克七的毛弟,原名邱翊橙)
幸运数字: 8
就读学校:醒吾学院 应用英语科
新民高中 - 应用英文科(转学)
私立庄敬高级职业学校 - 表演艺术科
觉得自己是什么样的一个人: 追求完美
觉得自己最有魅力/好看的部位: 眼睛 嘴唇
最崇拜的人: 金城武 许玮伦 梁咏琪
最喜欢的演员: 金城武
最喜欢的歌手: 周杰伦
讨厌的食物: 苦瓜..茄子
最近热衷的事物: 模范棒棒堂
最喜欢的卡通( 动漫)人物:海绵宝宝、史迪奇
理想的异性类型: 清新可爱
未来的梦想: 成功的艺人
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 21:27
Someone said that the bad influence, and may even crazy, I like the prince. Before, I also think the boring, blind, buy posters, album... What also didn't waste your money. But like prince after I don't think so.
Lollipop has six members: handsome prince, mature, the small dogs do ao Yu, lovely small jie, lively, cheerful AWei William. They hand and every shoulder face difficulties
At the beginning, but the handsome appearance, but slowly, I found them to work hard and not fear the difficulty of the brave. So, I touched, seriously very serious like them. They are young vigor, although young, but desperate struggle, a brother and a machine, let them have the same dream.
I like the prince because they acted in a program called "fear" (now Lollipop where the program in this cancelled), programs have used to wear glasses, prince, a blow on his face, because the prince pepper without wearing glasses to the prince's good pepper in the eyes, the prince with others said they thought the prince in the program is ignored, still put German shepherd after the prince had recorded. Show, staff know is really, the prince hospital treatment begins from here. I like the prince, no eye pain and leave programs because they put, still finished program.
Lollipop from training, experience the draft many difficulties, but together they faced their brothers, the spirit that moved me.
In their long training to become stronger, more strength, who know their efforts and hard? They say - in order to make more friends like them, to make them more strength, they won't afraid. Is this spirit that moved me.
We prefer not handsome, beautiful appearance, they dance or shock of the voice, their efforts paid from the mundane, step by step, the hard way towards the idol is the real reason why people like them.
Like their song: let the dream, warm heart. The future of the lonely road, not in lost. My dream, failure is never surrender. Hold hands, hold the happiness.
Please remember to dream lollipop, keep growing all trouble. Believe in love, I believe life all good! Lollipop. Prince ~! ~ ~
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 21:27
Sheng Yi (prince)
English name: Prince
Birthday: 19/4/14
Place of Birth: Taiwan Taichung
Blood Type: O-type
Height: 177cm
Weight: 55kg
Shoe size: 9.5
Constellation: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Interests: Basketball. The Internet. Reading magazines
Expertise: Taekwondo. Athletics. Acting. Reading. Creative. Singing
Benefits: Requires a positive attitude toward the perfect ..
Disadvantages: impatient .. emotional
Family members: parents, younger brother (CHOC 7 of touring, formerly known as Qiu Yi orange)
Lucky number: 8
Nickname nickname: correction fluid
Another nickname: the Prince surface
Feel that they are what kind of a person: the pursuit of perfection
Feel that the most charming / nice parts: the eyes
Most admired person: Takeshi Kaneshiro 许玮-lun
Favorite Actor: Takeshi Kaneshiro
Favorite singer: Jay Chou
Favorite Food: Watermelon Cherry ..
Nasty food: bitter gourd .. Eggplant
Fear most people do: install the innocent
The recent enthusiasm for things: a model Bang Bang Tang
Favorite dress: black and white with
Favorite Music: Lyric class song
Favorite cartoon (animation) characters: SpongeBob SquarePants, Stitch
The most wanted countries: Canada, with Japan
Favorite drink: lemon tea
Favorite food: cherry, strawberry
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite Movie: Titanic & Turn Left Turn Right
Motto: People are great because of their dreams
The ideal of the opposite sex types: independent-minded personality temperament
Future dream: a successful artist
Self-introction: Hello ~ Hello, everyone I am a Prince Prince
Am grateful for the support of everyone Bang Bang Tang
I will bless you to bear in mind in mind
Hope that everyone can still continue to serve our refueling Oh!!!
"Brown Sugar Macchiato" (playing the Prince)
"恶作剧 2 吻" (guest decorated Arnold)
"Brown Sugar Heroes" (playing Ling Hu Cong)
"Sister coming" (Yung-chia & LOLLIPOP)
"Love comes" (S.H.E & LOLLIPOP)
Participated in TV entertainment programs:
"Bang Bang model Tong"
"Happy Camp"
"Love main star"
"Trump card, a big star"
"Students of the No"
Have been participating in the exercise of the movie:
Love in the end of the sixth No. Liu (filming finished)
"Fine Dance Gate 2"
Prince - "I'm sorry"
Bang Bang Tang (lollipop) all mv
[Starred in Drama]
2008 sister to the (small skit) protagonist
Brown Sugar Heroes 2007 Love to the (small skit) supporting
2008 Brown Sugar Macchiato decorated Prince (all 13 episodes)
2008 恶作剧 2 吻 decorated Arnold (20 set edition, guest 18,19 set)
2008 Brown Sugar Heroes decorated hero Linghu Cong
[Starred in the film]
2008 "Happy 2 Funeral" decorated big stars (6 bar guest of Hong Kong films)
2009 "Love in the end of the sixth Liu No." (have been released, March 6th premiere, is divided into four short films, four directors.)
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 21:28
Gui Gui originates from the girl group "Hei Se Hui Mei Mei", which later changed its name to "Hey Girl". Hey Girl consisted of seven other girls, and often collaborate with the popular Taiwanese boy band, Lollipop. Gui Gui has also successfully completed filming "Mysterious Incredible Terminator (Pi Li MIT)" with Aaron Yan.
After Mysterious Incredible Terminator, Gui Gui and co-star Aaron have signed a contract to film another drama, Tao Hua Ai Wu Di, based on Japan's best selling manga "Momoka Typhoon". Filming for this drama had begun but was canceled e to promotions of Fahrenheit's new album. It was also declared that Gui Gui is now busy with her own contract affairs, and would be replaced by Cyndi Wang; Aaron Yan was assigned another drama, Love Buffet, and will be replaced by his bandmate Jiro Wang.
Before "Hey Girl", Gui Gui and her fellow bandmates were already split into two groups for their third EP release, yet they still performed together.
The rumor has been confirmed that Gui Gui's contract with Channel V has expired, and thus she has not been on any recent episodes of the Blackie show.
[edit] Gui Gui leaves Hey Girl
Gui Gui has currently left the management of Channel V, where the discovery of Mei Meis occurred, Andy Ge has admitted to press that she is unlikely to renew her contract, and with an ambiguous post on her own blog, Gui Gui had admitted to the news. Andy Ge clarifies that Hey Girl is not under Channel V management, so Gui Gui is still with Hey Girl and will be attending promotions per usual.
However, the Hey Girl promotion following his statement did not include Gui Gui, who was said to be busy with MIT promotion before and ring their promotion, and Xiao Man, who was rumored to be frozen following a smoking and dating scandal with Lollipop's Xiao Yu.
On the May 6, 2009, Andy Ge announced to the press that Gui Gui will not be renewing her contract with Channel V, and that her involvement with Hey Girl will have to be clarified with Warner Music, as Hey Girl do not belong to Channel V.