The .US top-level -omain (usTLD) was establishe- in 1985 as the official country co-e top-level -omain (ccTLD) for the Unite- States. It is a-ministere- by NeuStar. The expan-e- secon--level .US -omain launche- on April 24, 2002, enabling companies, nonprofits, government entities an- in-ivi-uals to establish unique, memorable American a--resses online.
The existing .US structure is a locality-base- hierarchy mo-ele- on the geography of the Unite- States. Most u sTLD -nches in the locality space are overseen by -elegate- managers (also known as -elegees or locality -elegees). This existing hierarchical -esign provi-es structure, name uniqueness an- a geographic refere point for registrants. NeuStar maintains an- enhances this locality-base- structure even as it a-ministers the expan-e- secon--level .US -omain.