发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 00:52
热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 03:34
My dream is different to a lot of my friends around me.They all hope to be scientists inventing new things for the society.However,I wish to be someone helping the community,making it a better place.I hope people could live without worries,in a safe and peaceful place.So,I would like to be a police.Having the confidence and a strong body,I am sure that I could help the community,arresting the robbers who are disturbing people's normal lives.I would love to help and be a police!
热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 03:34
I want to a policeman
热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 03:35
察把犯人抓起来绳之以法的时候,心里就羡慕得不得了 。在我家,有三位杰出的*,他们是爸爸 、叔叔和爷爷,我每天都问经验最丰富的爷爷:“爷爷,为什么你会选择当*?”爷爷说:“因为*能为国效力,是很光荣的!”
有很多次,我在妈妈的幼儿园看到小朋友哭了,*叔叔一过来,在哭的小朋友顿时没了眼泪,我感到很奇怪:为什么*叔叔一来,小朋友就不哭了呢?我就去问妈妈 。妈妈告诉我:“*会抓坏人,会哭的不愿上幼儿园的小朋友不是好孩子 。*叔叔喜欢跟好孩子做朋友 。”哦!原来是这样,怪不得*叔叔一来,小朋友就不哭了 。
还有一次,妈妈开车带我去瓯北,在山背开的时候,妈妈的车慢吞吞地行驶,我就叫妈妈速度快一点,超过前面的车 。妈妈说:“儿子,如果我们超车被*叔叔看见的话,我们不仅要罚款,还要被扣分,说不定还有生命危险呢,所以我们不能超车 。”这时,正好一辆警车闪着警灯呼啸而过 。可真威风啊!